I Am Not A Robot“A man provided with paper, pencil and
rubber, and subject to strict discipline, is in effect a universal machine” Alan Turing EN | IT I discovered computer science in 1978 when tennis could be played with two dashes, a square and a lot of imagination. They were white and shone against the black screen of the TV. A cartridge inserted in the same console I used to play with allowed me to write programs that at that time I just copied from the magazines I found on newsstands. When I was a child, words like IF, THEN, ELSE and GOTO constantly rang in my head and I pronounced them in a strong Italian accent. Since then, I have never stopped and, over time, this passion has become my job. This is a sketchbook in which some computer concepts, often incomprehensible to non-professionals, are interpreted with images. It has a structure that becomes more complicated as it proceeds and goes from the binary system - the basis of everything - to artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The intent is to place the viewer in front of the definition of a concept that is difficult to understand. Then, as if they were an explanation, he finds images of everyday life. This forces him to re-associate the two reading plans, finding connections and reassuring justifications. Sometimes the process is more immediate and sometimes less. Regardless of the final result, you will be able to experience what makes us different from a machine. Reviews ASX Collector daily |